Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oh, you were expecting content?

Welcome to the wonderful world of the ZAWrimos. Glad you could join us. Please pay attention to the safety briefing and keep all fingers, toes and appendages in the vehicle at all times.

This blog is dedicated to the brave writers and Wrimos (NaNoWriMo participants) hailing from the beautiful rainbow nation that is South Africa.

I'm Alex, a 3-time NaNo veteran and this year's co-ML (Municial Liaison, local representatives that help make NaNoWriMo run smoothly) for Cape Town.

I'm going to be charting my journey through NaNo-land, as well as sharing stories of other ZAWrimos, offering tips and suggestion on hitting word count, giving writing prompts to help beat writer's block, offering insight into the workings and memes of Nano-land, and giving you a sneak peak into the hidden world of the Municipal Liaison.

I'm looking forward to the journey, I hope you'll be along for the ride.